Who's Involved

Who are our panel and what's their Traveller history? Get to know them a bit more here.

Grey background with photo left and right. Left: Samantha Donaldson. Right: Scott Butcher and his wife Genie

Samantha Donaldson

I'm a Scottish Traveller from Dunfermline, Fife. I'm passionate about Traveller cultural traditions and preserving them.

Scott Butcher

I'm the grandson of Trixie Stanley Steele Whyte, who I recently discovered was a Scottish Traveller. I live in Canada now, but was born in Australia and travel all around the world for work. Some things don't change, wanderlust I guess is one of those, I've moved around my entire life and my grownup children live on three different continents.

Grey background with one photo left and two right. Left: Gavin MacGregor. Top Right: Bernard Sweeney Bottom Right: Mo Marsh

Gavin McGregor

I am of a long line of Scottish Travelling people, from both sides of my family. Most of my family were born in tents. I was one of the co-founders of the Scottish Travellers charity HOTT, Heart of the Travellers, where I was charity trustee. I have been so fortunate in having such a rich heritage.

Bernard Sweeney

I'm an Irish Traveller and practicing artist with Rua Red. I have a particular interest in Irish Traveller history, human rights, democracy and humanity.

Sheila McPhee

I was born at the old barracks camp in Perth. I've worked (mostly field work) and travelled all over the UK all my life until a few years back, mainly because there's no work or camps left. I'm a mother to three and a granny to eight.

Jamie Maurice Muir-Coates

I'm a direct descendant of the legendary Billy Marshall, King of Galloway, A.K.A. the Caird of Barullion (the term used by Sir Walter Scott). I haven't been a full-time Traveller since 1990 but I still have a camper-van. I'm the author of three averagely written but great stories, "The Gypsy Gorger" . 

Traveller Genes aims to work to the UK standards for public involvement in research. The standards are designed to improve the quality and consistency of public involvement in research. Learn more in the link below.

UK Standards for Public Involvement in Research

We will not research anything which does not have the full support of our panel and we welcome any feedback from our study volunteers.